Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2012

Big Deal

 Wuuuuuuh! :D Some new stuff that I'm really proud of!! :D First of all Student Of The Month in Technology!! It looks a bit like I'm a nerd because of technology but it's because I have almost 100% in engineering, 100% in video broadcasting, and more then 100% in photography. :D Nother thing is that we had an art show here at Capital and we had to put three pictures of our port folio in there and two of my pictures actually pleased the jury :D I got an Honorable Mention ribbon and a Best Of Show ribbon for the photography show!! Never thought I would win something (: Just in a good mood (: and also we have prom this saturday and it will be so much fun!! (:

Sonntag, 15. April 2012


  We have already for a few weeks spring and I just wanted to show you guys some pictures! Hope you like them (:

Montag, 19. März 2012


Ok some new stuff! Gonna keep it short!
Btw I'm the 22, had one of the old
jerseys on cuz we didn't have
enough of the new ones (the white
camouflage one in the right).
Had my first rugby game last week thursday! We have 2 teams. A team and B team. A team are the ones that are better and have some experience and well yes B team is the rest. You probably can imagine that I'm in the B team. (; Well back to the game. Our A team won about 89:5 (not sure about that) and my team, the B team, won 50:0! Guess that's prettey much a good score for a B team.

Anastasia just happy
to see me.

Angelia gettin' her hair
My two little sisters are already more then a month here, I guess.. They're still adorable and you just have to love them! 

School is going well lately and still enjoying it! Bit sad that I have to leave soon.. Can't believe that the time is almost over. Know my flight date already and have to say tha I'm glad and sad about going back to Germany! I think that's all for now. Take it easy! <3

Montag, 5. März 2012

They're here

Picture for my Texture Shoot fo Photography
How time flies! I didn't post for a long time! I only have 4 months left here... Kinda sad. But gooood news!! My sweet two little sisters are finally here!! They live already a week here and they are just sooo cute!! :D  Sad thing is that my baby sister wants to kiss all the time but I can't kiss her cuz I'm sick... Since last week wednesday I'm sick. School... It's gonna be hard to catch up in school again... but I can do it! :D My grades are ok right now. 3x A, 2x B, 1x C. What else to say? I think that's all. (:

Mittwoch, 15. Februar 2012

Good time (:

Days are going preetey ok lastly. (: Still missing my Brother Henrique! But it's getting better! I joined the rugby team now and our high school has the best rugby team for a long time (: Still bit afraid to get crushed by all those big guys!! :D And this morning was beautiful! It finally snowed again (: And maybe I go up to Bogus on sunday cuz we have a long weekend!! :D

Sonntag, 5. Februar 2012

Let the picture talk..

"Learn to appreciate what you have,
before time makes you appreciate
what you had."

Donnerstag, 2. Februar 2012

First snowy (:

Still can remember what a great day that was! I had my Finals in History and English on this day and it snowed so bad and it was sooo beautiful (: